What is the hierarchy of your values ?

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1. I am creative, I regularly come up with new ideas. I like to do original things in my on way.

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2. It’s important to be rich for me. I want to have a lot of money and own expensive things.

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3. I think it’s important that every human is treated equally. I believe that everyone should have equal opportunities in life.

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4. It is important for me to show my abilities. I want people to admire what I do.

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5. It is important for me to live in a safe environment. I avoid anything that could threaten my safety.

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6. I love surprises and I am always looking for new things to do. I think it’s important to do many different things in life.

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7. I think people should do what they are told. I think they should follow the rules at all times, even without surveillance.

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8. It is important for me to listen to people with different thoughts and opinions. Even when I disagree with them, I still want to understand their point of view.

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9. I think it’s important not to ask for more than you already have. I think people should be satisfied with what they already have.

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10. I look for every opportunity to have fun. It is important for me to do things that give me pleasure.

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11. It is important for me to make my own decisions about what I do. I like to plan and choose my own activities independently.

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12. It is very important for me to help the people around me. I want to take care of their well-being.

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13. Being very successful is important for me. I like to impress others.

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14. It is very important for me that my country is safe. I think that the State must be vigilant against threats from within and without.

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15. I like to take risks. I’m always looking for adventures.

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16. It’s important for me to always behave properly. I want to avoid doing anything that people would not approve.

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17. It’s important for me to be in charge and tell others what to do. I want people to do what I say.

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18. It is important for me to be loyal to my friends. I want to be faithful to the people close to me.

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19. I strongly believe that people should take care of nature. Preserving the environment is important for me.

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20. Religious belief is important to me. I strive to do what my religion requires.

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21. It’s important to me that things are organized and clean. I really don’t like cluttering.

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22. I think it’s important to be interested in things. I like to be curious and try to understand all kinds of things.

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23. I believe that all people on the planet should live in harmony. Promoting peace among all groups is important for me.

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24. I think it’s important to be ambitious. I want to show what I am capable of.

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25. I think it’s better to do things the traditional way. It’s important for me to follow the customs I’ve learned.

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26. Enjoying life’s pleasures is important for me. I like to spoil myself.

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27. It is important for me to meet the needs of others. I try to support those I know.

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28. I believe that I should always show respect to my parents and the elderlies. It is important for me to be obedient.

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29. I want everyone to be treated fairly, even those people I don’t know. It is important to protect the weakest ones in society.

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30. I like surprises. It is important for me to have an exciting life.

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31. I do my best to avoid getting sick. Staying healthy is very important for me.

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32. Being successful in life is important to me. I strive to do better than others.

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33. Forgiving those who have hurt me is important. I try to see the good in them and not hold grudges.

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34. It is important to be independent. I like to rely on myself.

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35. Having a stable government is important. I care about protecting social order.

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36. It is important to be polite with all people at all times. I try never to disturb or irritate others.

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37. I really want to enjoy my life. Having a good time is very important.

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38. It is important to be humble and modest. I try not to attract attention.

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39. I always want to be the one to make the decisions. I like being a leader.

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40. It’s important to adapt to nature and fit in. I believe that people should not harm the environment.

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